our mission

Building long-term, life-changing relationships with urban youth, equipping them to thrive and contribute to their community.

our history

August 2017

Debbi Speck and Kevin Byerley meet with some friends from Dallas who are vacationing in the Colorado mountains.

Debbi challenges them to think about starting an Elevate affiliate in Dallas.

March 2018

A leadership team from Elevate USA comes to Dallas to meet with city volunteers and leaders to suggest forming a committee to see if there is enough interest to bring Elevate to Dallas.

Debbi and Jeremy Phillips meet with DISD to set the groundwork for a future relationship.

Sandi Massey, principal at Thomas Jefferson High School, expresses an interest in bringing the Elevate curriculum and program to her high school.

August 2018

The Elevate Dallas committee officially becomes a board.

Fall 2018

The board hires the first Elevate Dallas Executive Director and Teacher Mentors.

Elevate Dallas collaborates with Young Life as their partners in adventure.

January 2019

First semester of Elevate classes at Thomas Jefferson High School and Cary Middle School.

Spring 2019

The board works to share the work of Elevate Dallas to a wider group of people.

Summer 2019

Students participate in college visits, community service and a trip to Crooked Creek Ranch in Colorado

August 2019

Classes resume at TJ and Cary Middle School.

October 2019

A tornado destroys Thomas Jefferson High School and Cary middle school.

Students are moved 20 minutes across town to Thomas Edison Learning Center. All students enrolled in the Elevate high school classes make the transition to the new high school.

March 2020

On site classes are suspended throughout DISD to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The Teacher Mentors develop new ways to teach, connect, inspire and encourage with social distancing rules in place. Elevate USA provides training and resources to encourage innovation during this challenging time in education.

our history

August 2017

Debbi Speck and Kevin Byerley meet with some friends from Dallas who are vacationing in the the Colorado mountains.

Debbi challenges them to think about starting an Elevate affiliate in Dallas.

March 2018

A leadership team from Elevate USA comes to Dallas to meet with city volunteers and leaders to suggest forming a committee to see if there is enough interest to bring Elevate to Dallas.

Debbi and Jeremy Phillips meet with DISD to set the groundwork for a future relationship.

Sandi Massey, principal at Thomas Jefferson High School, expresses an interest in bringing the Elevate curriculum and program to her high school.

August 2018

The Elevate Dallas committee officially becomes a board.

Fall 2018

The board hires the first Elevate Dallas Executive Director and Teacher Mentors.

Elevate Dallas collaborates with Young Life as their partners in adventure.

January 2019

First semester of Elevate classes at Thomas Jefferson High School and Cary Middle School.

Spring 2019

The board works to share the work of Elevate Dallas to a wider group of people.

Summer 2019

Students participate in college visits, community service and a trip to Crooked Creek Ranch in Colorado

August 2019

Classes resume at TJ and Cary Middle School.

October 2019

A tornado destroys Thomas Jefferson High School and Cary middle school.

Students are moved 20 minutes across town to Thomas Edison Learning Center. All students enrolled in the Elevate high school classes make the transition to the new high school.

March 2020

On site classes are suspended throughout DISD to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The Teacher Mentors develop new ways to teach, connect, inspire and encourage with social distancing rules in place. Elevate USA provides training and resources to encourage innovation during this challenging time in education.

help us reach more students

our staff

[show-team category=’staff’ layout=’grid’ style=’img-rounded,text-left,img-above,3-columns’ display=’name,photo,position’ img=’200′]

board members

[show-team category=’board-of-directors’ layout=’grid’ style=’,text-center,img-above,4-columns’ display=’name,position’]





  1. We believe that EVERY CHILD is of great worth and has the desire and potential to succeed.
  2. We believe that LONG-TERM, 24/7 RELATIONSHIPS with caring adults have proven positive outcomes in the lives of our urban youth.
  3. We believe that a HOLISTIC approach is essential for a strong and healthy future for our youth.
  4. We believe that FULL-TIME, SALARIED TEACHER-MENTORS WHO COME FROM SIMILAR BACKGROUNDS as the students can have a positive influence and make all the difference.
  5. We believe that the SERVANT LEADERSHIP, creating a culture of selflessness and service, is the foundation for leadership.
  6. We believe in the intrinsic DIGNITY of every person and act accordingly.
  7. We believe that COLLABORATION yields the best long-term results, acknowledging that the complex work in our urban centers cannot be done single handedly.

a bold take on education